Midnight in a garden of good and evil!
Glass work just never seems to get finished at a normal time! It will probably be ready sometime around 2 am. I want to sleep but am anxious to see what comes out of the kiln. As some of you know it could be a spider! I think I'll have to check in the morning.
Today I put some molds in on a full fuse. We will see some feathers. a coaster, dragon flies, earring bases. believe it or not it takes over 90 minutes to 2 hours to get the frit in the molds without making a total disaster. I layered the feathers and dragonflies with four colors each at a minimum, the molds have a lot of detail and have to be prepared before you can fire them. Kiln paper is on the shelf so the glass does not adhere to the kiln shelf and erode the kiln shelf over time.

After I got the kiln set up I listed my feathers on Etsy.

Then I got started on a new stained glass project. I was holding off on large things because I was running out of Zinc came. Today I placed an order and should be getting some in the next 2 weeks. I'm using another "vintage" plate.
Another busy day trying to avoid the stressors of life. in the immortal words of a very wise woman, " I just cut glass".
